Agent Michal Kozák: I would recommend BE-PRO to everyone

Agent Michal Kozák: I would recommend BE-PRO to everyone

The BE-PRO ,,football social network" project has gained great popularity not only in Slovakia over the last eight years. It helps many players find a new club, coaches to present new challenges and clubs to complete and improve their squad. Last but not least, it simplifies and speeds up communication.

He played for Dunajská Streda and Senica. Thanks to BE-PRO, he moved to Switzerland

He played for Dunajská Streda and Senica. Thanks to BE-PRO, he moved to Switzerland

Footballer Zoltán Kontár is also known from his time on the Slovak league pitches. He made 23 appearances for FK Senica in the highest competition, then he made another 16 appearances for DAC Dunajská Streda where he scored one league goal. He spent his last year in the second league, in FC Petržalka and previously several years abroad, at hungarian Györi.

Coach Luknár: BE-PRO is a unique way to find players

Coach Luknár: BE-PRO is a unique way to find players

Coach Luknár: BE-PRO is a unique way to find players. BE-PRO has helped me many times. Coach Lukáš Luknár is one of the well-known figures of Slovak football. He coached Slovak third-league team FK Rača, which he brought to the edge of promotion to the 2nd league. A few weeks ago, he went with similar ambitions to central Slovakia.

7 motivation tips from Jesse Marsch

7 motivation tips from Jesse Marsch

Let FC Red Bull Salzburg coach Jesse Marsch guide your life game with these seven inspiring quotes of leadership.

BE-PRO Training: Training No. 3

BE-PRO Training: Training No. 3

Hello football world! We are here again with another, this time the third training unit under the leadership of BE-PRO coach Daniel Miladinovič.

BE-PRO Training: Training No. 2

BE-PRO Training: Training No. 2

Hello football world! We are here again with another training unit under the leadership of BE-PRO coach Daniel Miladinovič.

BE-PRO Training: Training No. 1

BE-PRO Training: Training No. 1

Hello football world! Right now, we are all going through difficult times, when we are worried about the health of our loved ones and our own.

Agibayev from Kazakhstan with new club in the Czech Republic thanks to BE-PRO!

Agibayev from Kazakhstan with new club in the Czech Republic thanks to BE-PRO!

We learned about this transfer unconventionally. One day, we received an email from Alisher Agibayev asking to delete his BE-PRO account. We asked him why he wanted to delete his profile. The answer was simple: he already found a new club.

BE-PRO restarted the career of Ján Červenák, now the player of FC Slovan Hlohovec

BE-PRO restarted the career of Ján Červenák, now the player of FC Slovan Hlohovec

A story just like many others. A promising footballer overcoming plenty of football obstacles stops at one of them and considers taking a break from football or in some cases even stop playing football at all. And then BE-PRO steps in.


Kitűnő projekt, amely egy helyen hozza össze a foci területén működő embereket, ahol mindenki megtalálja azt, amire éppen szüksége van.

Róbert Vittek

Egykor profi labdarúgó és válogatott játékos

,,Ez egy egyedülálló projekt, amely egy helyen az egész focivilágot összeköti, ahol minden tag szabadon kommunikálhat egymással, saját kapcsolathálózatot hozhat létre, érdekes embereket ismerhet meg, megoszthatja az ötleteit és mindig valami újat tanulhat, vagy akár új állást is találhat."

Peter Chrappan

Profi labdarúgó és BE-PRO felhasználó

Lukáš Luknár

,,Már a kezdetektől tagja és egyúttal rajongója vagyok a BE-PRO oldalnak. Ez idő alatt már sokszor igénybe vettem az oldal funkcióit, ezért hiszek abban, hogy segít vagy felkelti a foci területén működő személyek érdeklődését. Tetszik a fociközösség létrehozásának ötlete, melyet bárki igénybe vehet úgy, ahogyan arra szüksége van."

Libor Hrdlička

A FK Pohronie kapusa és BE-PRO felhasználó

Michal Kozák